Closing date: February 15, 2024

Student type: International students

Level of study: master’s or doctoral degree

Study area: marine-related majors

Scholarship value:


Scholarship owners enjoy free tuition fee and other material fees, and will be provided with free accommodation and necessary medical services. Living allowances for the students are 3,000 RMB per month for master students, and 3,500 RMB per month for doctoral students (the same standard with other Chinese Government Scholarship).

Description: The Marine Scholarship of China is jointly initiated by the State Oceanic Administration (SOA) and the Ministry of Education of China (MOE) for the purpose of providing financial support to outstanding students from the coastal countries or regions around the South China Sea, the Pacific and the Indian Oceans and African developing countries to study in China for a master’s or doctoral degree in oceanography or other related specialties, cultivating advanced professionals of the related fields for developing countries, enhancing international marine cooperation and exchange, and promoting the harmonious ocean development in the region and around the world. China Scholarship Council (CSC) is in charge of the admissions and routine management of the Scholarship.


1.  The applicant should be a citizen of non-Chinese nationality in good health, from a coastal/island country of South China Sea, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific and its surround island countries, or an African developing country.

2.  The applicant for master’s degree studies is required to have a bachelor’s degree of related fields and be usually under the age of 40.

3.  The applicant for doctoral degree studies is required to have a master’s degree of related fields and be usually under the age of 45.

READ ALSO:  2023/24 International Scholarship for Excellence At South China University of Technology (SCUT), China

How to apply: apply online

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